
Draper Richards Kaplan (DRK) Foundation Grant

Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations for initiatives that address important social issues at the national or global level. Funding is intended to support efforts that aim to improve the lives of individuals through innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disrupting technologies.
The Foundation’s goal is to find social entrepreneurs with dynamic ideas and nurture them at the early stages with maximum leverage and total commitment.DRK’s hope is to support outsized impact through entrepreneurs and enterprises that create a transformational paradigm shift to meaningfully address a pressing societal problem affecting people’s lives.Prospects for the portfolio of social enterprises come from a vast field of compelling ideas and dedicated leaders. The Foundation concentrates its selection on the capabilities of the founder/leader, the scalability of the model, and the potential impact of the organization on the world.

Sub Title
Grants to USA, Canada, and International Nonprofits and For-Profits for Initiatives Addressing Social Issues
Funding Source

Draper Richards Kaplan (DRK) Foundation

Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Term of Contract

DRK investments are distributed twice a year over a three-year term.

Estimated Size of Grant
3 years of unrestricted capital (totaling $300,000) and ongoing support by joining the board of directors for the 3 years and partnering with the leader to help them to build capacity in their organization and scale their impact.