
Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (FRGMS)

Grants to USA nonprofit organizations, for-profits, IHEs, and government agencies for collaborative mathematics and statistics research projects. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended to help researchers solve major challenges within the discipline of mathematical sciences. Groups may include mathematicians and statisticians, as well as researchers representing other engineering or science disciplines.
Through the mechanism of the Focused Research Group activity, the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) aims to foster collaborative research projects that:Address major research challenges of recognized importance to the mathematical sciences,Are likely to produce substantial progress on these problems,And require the group’s coordinated efforts to achieve that progress.Risky projects, in which the likelihood of success is not certain, are welcomed. Interdisciplinary projects are welcomed. For all Focused Research Group projects, substantial progress on the problems should have widely felt consequences for mathematics or statistics.Each Focused Research Group proposal should provide a focused plan for making significant progress on a research challenge of recognized importance to the mathematical sciences, should describe the novel, innovative, and creative aspects of the planned research, and should explain why the success of the proposed research project depends in a crucial way upon a group effort by the collaborators.

Sub Title
Grants to USA Nonprofits, For-Profits, IHEs, and Agencies for Collaborative Mathematics and Statistics Research
Funding Source

National Science Foundation (NSF) – Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)

09/08/21 5:00 PM (submitter's local time)
Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Term of Contract

Projects are limited in duration to up to three years.

Estimated Total Program Funding
Number of Grants
Estimated Size of Grant
- Award Ceiling: $1,500,000 - Award Floor: $450,000