
FY 2021 - 2023 - Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, for-profit entities, foreign public entities, foreign organizations, individuals, state, local, and Indian Tribal governments, and IHEs to support ocean-related projects, sponsorships, and research. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete.
This Broad Agency Announcement is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA’s competitive discretionary programs.NOAA issues this BAA for extramural research, innovative projects, and sponsorships (e.g., conferences, newsletters, etc.) that address one or more of the following four mission goal descriptions contained in the NOAA Strategic Plan:Long-term mission goal: Climate Adaptation and Mitigation – Projected future climate-related changes include increased global temperatures, melting sea ice and glaciers, rising sea levels, increased frequency of extreme precipitation events, acidification of the oceans, modifications of growing seasons, changes in storm frequency and intensity, air quality, alterations in species’ ranges and migration patterns, earlier snowmelt, increased drought, and altered river flow volumes.Long-term mission goal: Weather-Ready Nation – A weather-ready nation is a society that is able to prepare for and respond to environmental events that affect safety, health, the environment, economy, and homeland security. Urbanization and a growing population increasingly put people and businesses at greater risk to the impacts of weather, water, and climate-related hazards. NOAA’s capacity to provide relevant information can help create a society that is more adaptive to its environment; experiences fewer disruptions, dislocation, and injuries; and that operates a more efficient economy.Long-term mission goal: Healthy Oceans – NOAA’s goal of healthy ocean ecosystems will ensure that ocean, estuarine, and related ecosystems and the species that inhabit them are vibrant and sustainable in the face of challenges. A strong understanding of these systems supports an ecosystembased approach to management. The approach accounts for the complex connections among organisms (including humans); their physical, biotic, cultural, and economic environments; and the wide range of processes that control their dynamics. An ecosystem-based approach will assist policy makers to weigh trade-offs between
alternative courses of action.Long-term mission goal: Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies – NOAA’s long-term coastal goal will invigorate coastal communities and economies, and lead to increased resiliency and productivity. Comprehensive planning will help protect coastal communities and resources from the impacts of hazards and land-based pollution to vulnerable ecosystems by addressing competing uses, improving water quality, and fostering integrated management for sustainable uses. Geospatial services will support communities, navigation, and economic efficiency with accurate, useful characterizations, charts and maps, assessments, tools, and methods. Coastal decision makers will have the capacity to adaptively manage coastal communities and ecosystems with the best natural and social science available.More information can be found on Page 2 of the Executive Summary.

Sub Title
Grants to USA, Canada, and International Nonprofits, For-Profits, Individuals, and Agencies for Ocean Preservation Activities
Funding Source

U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – Office of Finance and Administration (NFA)

Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Term of Contract

The anticipated start date of the award generally will be three to six months after receipt of the application by NOAA. Applications should generally be submitted for a one-year award period, but this may be negotiated if the application is recommended for funding.

Note: The award must start on the first day of a month and end on the last day of a month. (i.e. 08/01/2021 – 07/31/2022)