
Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management

Opportunity for USA, Canada, and International companies and startups to develop creative technology-based solutions to climate-change issues. The purpose of this opportunity is to generate sustainable solutions that can be applied on any scale. Winning solutions will be presented at a hybrid award ceremony in Remscheid, Germany.
The Global Call is aimed at identifying “innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management”. Its objective is to identify readily deployable and scalable solutions to address the adverse effects of climate change and ultimately contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development.The Global Call aims to garner visibility for the winning solutions and to facilitate matchmaking opportunities for the successful applicants. These might range from opportunities to showcase their solutions in an exhibition format to potential customers to pitching their ideas to potential investors/donors.The winners will be given the opportunity to present their innovative solution to a large audience during the Global Call award ceremony and will benefit from ad hoc promotional and networking support provided by the organization.Priority will be given to applications from the following strategic categories, including solutions for: Decarbonizing growing urban environments – Innovative solutions for decarbonizing growing urban environments by addressing the demand and distribution of water, agricultural, energy, mobility, and other resources, as well as solutions for areas that are vulnerable to climate change (e.g. coastal areas). Clean and efficient energy generation and storage – Innovative solutions for generating, distributing, and storing energy in a clean and smart way, especially affordable and decentralized renewable energy solutions that are applicable in developing countries. Circular production and industrial processes – Innovative solutions related to the re-use, recycling, and re-manufacturing of resources, as well as energy and process efficiency solutions and smart approaches for more climate-cautious consumption. Sustainable land management – Innovative solutions for productive lands, including new technologies and approaches to production with a demonstrable positive contribution to soil health, land rehabilitation, and combating desertification.For additional information on these categories, see:*Depending on the number of submissions, categories might be further divided into sub-categories, e.g. by stage of maturity of technological solutions early stage (technologies at an advanced stage of R&D ready for implementation, these solutions have verified data from testing), growth stage (solutions that have already been piloted with verified data at a replicable scale and that have a demonstrated Proof Of Concept (POC)), as well as mature technologies (technologies that are demonstrably established on the market and are aiming at the expansion to new markets).Regard is to be given to submissions of women-led/owned businesses or companies offering products and services benefiting women and youth, considering that women are disproportionately affected by climate change.The winning applicants will be offered the following services: The opportunity to present their innovative ideas and technologies as guests of honor directly to a multi-stakeholder audience present at the award ceremony (to be held in a hybrid format on 26 October 2021). Advisory and marketing support concerning the awarded project by ITPO Germany and the wider UNIDO ITP Network Possible showcase during a virtual side event at the COP 26, to be held from 1-12 November 2021 in the UK. Possible showcase of winning proposals at the AGRITECHNICA trade fair (the largest machinery and technology exhibition for the agriculture industry in the world), to be held from 27 February – 5 March 2022 in Germany. An international award certificate from UNIDO Possibility of a news article on the UNIDO website / a brochure dedicated to the winning innovative ideas and / or technologies.

Sub Title
Opportunity for USA, Canada, and International Companies and Startups to Develop Technologies to Address Climate Change
Funding Source

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Germany and Future Cleantech Architects (FCA)

Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Number of Grants
There will be at least one winner per category.