
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR)

Grants to USA nonprofit organizations, for-profits, IHEs, and government agencies to enhance the quality of undergraduate STEM education. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to finalize. Funding is intended for evidence-based and knowledge-generating approaches to understand and improve STEM learning and learning environments, improve the diversity of STEM students and majors, and prepare STEM majors for the workforce. In addition, proposals should have the promise of adding more broadly to the understanding of effective teaching and learning practices.
IUSE: EHR supports projects that seek to bring recent advances in STEM knowledge into undergraduate education, that adapt, improve, and incorporate evidence-based practices into STEM teaching and learning, and that lay the groundwork for institutional improvement in STEM education. In addition to innovative work at the frontier of STEM education, this program also encourages replication of research studies at different types of institutions and with different student bodies to produce deeper knowledge about the effectiveness and transferability of findings.IUSE: EHR also seeks to support projects that have high potential for broader societal impacts, including improved diversity of students and instructors participating in STEM education, professional development for instructors to ensure adoption of new and effective pedagogical techniques that meet the changing needs of students, and projects that promote institutional partnerships for collaborative research and development. IUSE: EHR especially welcomes proposals that will pair well with the efforts of NSF INCLUDES to develop STEM talent from all sectors and groups in society.The IUSE: EHR program features two tracks: (1) Engaged Student Learning and (2) Institutional and Community Transformation. Several levels of scope, scale, and funding are available within each track.All projects supported by IUSE: EHR must:Demonstrate a strong rationale for project objectives or incorporate and build on educational practices that are demonstrably effectiveContribute to the development of exemplary undergraduate STEM educationAdd to the body of knowledge about what works in undergraduate STEM education and the conditions that lead to improved STEM teaching and learningMeasure project progress and achievement of project goalsFor more on these tracks, see

Sub Title
Grants to USA Nonprofits, For-Profits, IHEs, and Agencies to Enhance Undergraduate STEM Learning
Funding Source

National Science Foundation (NSF)

07/21/21 5:00 PM submitter's local time - For IUSE Level 1, 2, 3, and Capacity-Building Proposals
Agency Type
Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility


Term of Contract

Engaged Student Learning:
– Level 1 and Level 2: Up to 3 years
– Level 3: Up to 5 years

Institutional and Community Transformation:
– Capacity-Building: Up to 2 years
– Level 1: Up to 3 years
– Level 3: Up to 5 years

Estimated Total Program Funding
Number of Grants
105: The program estimates making awards for 60 Level 1 projects, 35 Level 2 and 3 projects, and 10 Capacity-Building projects
Estimated Size of Grant
Engaged Student Learning:- Level 1: Up to $300,000- Level 2: $300,001 - $600,000- Level 3: $600,001 - $2 millionInstitutional and Community Transformation:- Capacity-Building: $150K (single institution) or $300K (multiple institutions)- Level 1: Up
Contact Information

“Before starting your grant application, please review the funding source’s website listed below for updates/changes/addendums/conferences/LOIs.
General inquiries regarding this program should be made to:

Ellen Carpenter, telephone: (703) 292-5104, email: [email protected]

Keith A. Sverdrup, telephone: (703) 292-4671, email: [email protected]

John Jackman, telephone: (703) 292-4816, email: [email protected]

General inquiries: [email protected]

For specific disciplinary questions, proposers are encouraged to contact a Program Officer in their discipline. See”