
Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD) Grant

Grants to USA and Israel businesses for collaborative technology projects with commercial potential. Applicants are required to submit an executive summary prior to the full proposal. Funding is intended to support the development of products and processes in a wide range of topics.
To be considered, a project proposal should include:R&D cooperation between two, unrelated companies, one registered in the US and the other in Israel. The companies should jointly apply for BIRD support.Research and development topics that include but are not limited to: Advanced Manufacturing, Agrotechnology, Cleantech and Environment, Communications, Construction Tech, Electronics, FinTech, Gas, Healthcare IT, Homeland Security and Cyber Security, Life Sciences and Bio-Convergence, Software, Water and Wastewater technologies, etc.A jointly developed technology or product(s) that shows considerable innovation.A proposed project that demonstrates significant commercial potential.

Sub Title
Grants to USA and Israel Businesses to Collaborate on the Development of Commercial Technology Products
Funding Source

Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD)

Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Term of Contract

Project effective date (start date) may be as early as the 1st day of the month in which the final Project proposal is submitted jointly by the companies, and Project duration may be as long as 3-4 years, if deemed necessary for reaching commercial readiness.

Estimated Size of Grant
The maximum conditional grant per project is up to US $1 million