

Managing and Tracking Small Business Cashflow


Cash flow is defined as the money that moves into and out of your business over a specific period. Cash comes in and goes out of your business constantly. It comes into the business as ‘income’ from customers and clients who buy your products and services. It flows out of […]

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How To Set A Reasonable Salary For Yourself


Unlike in a traditional work environment, as an entrepreneur you’re both the salary-giver and the salary-receiver. How much you put into owner’s compensation is up to you, and this decision will invariably impact how much money is left to reinvest in your business. That’s why figuring out your personal finances […]

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10 Small-Business Financial Tips for 2020


Two businesses. Two smart leadership teams, two motivated staff, two potential blockbuster products. So why is one growing and the other floundering? Three words: Smart financial planning. Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or a business owner aiming for an IPO, you probably know there’s a lot more to success than […]

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Small-Business Grants: Where to Find Free Money

The Paycheck Protection Program officially ended May 31, 2021. Read our PPP page for more information or visit our PPP Loan Forgiveness Guide. Small-business grants provide free money for startups and existing businesses, including those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. It can take time and effort to research and apply for funding. To […]

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Federal Grants for Small Business – Small Business Grants


ONLINE SEARCH FOR FUNDS STOPS HERE With the private sector of the economy shaking in the wake of the worldwide financial recession, many people have lost their jobs. Job security affords you peace of mind, and eliminates worry and stress. Worry and stress cause health concerns, and you certainly don’t […]

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To Hire or Not To Hire a Professional Grant Writer?

grant writer

To Hire or Not to Hire a Professional Grant Writer? Jim Collins, renowned business author, lecturer and researcher once said, “Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” This could not be truer when it comes to how a Grant Writer plays such an important role in the development and sustainability of nonprofits. […]

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The Latest 10 Grants for Women in the U.S.

There are many grants available for women in the U.S., but the difficulty lies in knowing where to look. While a common misconception is that government grants have the most funding opportunities, the truth is foundations are the main contributors of funding for women. However, locating foundation grants can be […]

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