
AI for Earth Grant

In-kind grants of cloud computing resources to USA, Canada, and International individuals affiliated with nonprofits, IHEs, government entities, or companies for projects that promote environmental sustainability. Funding is intended for projects that align with at least one of four areas of interest: agriculture, climate change, biodiversity, and water. The grants provide access to advanced Microsoft Azure cloud computing resources to support projects that change the way people and organizations monitor, model, and ultimately manage Earth’s natural systems.
Climate:The changing climate threatens human health, infrastructure, and natural systems. AI can give people more accurate climate predictions to help reduce the potential impacts.Agriculture:By 2050, farmers must produce more food, on less arable land, and with less environmental impact to feed the world’s increasing population. AI can help people monitor the health of farms in real time.Biodiversity:Species are going extinct at an alarming rate. AI can help accelerate the discovery, monitoring, and protection of biodiversity across our planet.Water:In the next two decades, demand for fresh water is predicted to dramatically outpace supply. AI can help people model Earth’s water supply to help us conserve and protect fresh water.Currently, AI for Earth provides two types of grants. Each round, you can apply to either, or both, depending on your project needsAzure compute credit grants:If you already have access to a labeled dataset and are ready to start using Azure AI tools and cloud computing, this grant provides you with Azure compute credits worth $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 (depending on your project scope and needs). By being a member of the AI for Earth grantee community, you also have access to additional resources – technical advice and support, online Azure training materials, and invitations to the AI for Earth Summit for networking and education opportunities.Esri will also consider AI for Earth grant recipients who are affiliated with academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and startups for a sponsored subscription to Esri ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS Pro is a leading geospatial software for creating maps, performing spatial analysis, and managing data. The new Geo AI DSVM integrates ArcGIS Pro into the Microsoft DVSM on Azure, to seamlessly tie geospatial data management, analysis and visualization capabilities with data science and machine learning tools.

Sub Title
In-Kind Grants of Resources to USA, Canada, and International Individuals for Environmental Projects
Funding Source


07/05/21 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Eligibility Criteria

See RFP and/or Grant Guidelines for full eligibility

Estimated Size of Grant
Azure compute credits grants are worth $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 (depending on project scope and needs).