
Individual Business Small Business International Workforce Technology Non-Profit-Support-Services Other
Opportunity for USA, Canada, and international individuals and teams to receive prizes and in-kin...

Opportunity for USA, Canada, and international nonprofit organizations and businesses to utilize ...

Business Education Small Business Technology Non-Profit-Support-Services BIPOC Disaster Relief Other
In-kind donations of solar lights and power banks to USA, Canada, and International organizations...

Business Health and Medical Small Business International Technology Municipalities Non-Profit-Support-Services Disaster Relief Coronavirus COVID-19 Other
In-kind grants of free computer software to USA and Canada businesses, healthcare organizations, ...

Grants of $10,000 and in-kind services to USA small business owners to support business growth. T...

Individual Business Education Small Business International Higher Education Technology Municipalities Research Evaluation Environment Farming Agriculture Non-Profit-Support-Services Other
In-kind grants of cloud computing resources to USA, Canada, and International individuals affilia...